Motorised Blinds

Here at LA Blinds, we offer motorization for roller and day and night fabrics.

Motorized blinds are a fast-growing trend in the decorative market, and for a few simple reasons.

To start, they’re easy to use. With a click of a button, you can draw or withdraw your blinds without hassle.

This ease of use makes motorized blinds child friendly. If you have toddlers at home, you’ll feel comfortable having your child handle curtains with a remote.

Speaking of remote control, through a single remote, you can control many blinds.

If you live in a large accommodation with multiple windows, a remote will add to the comfort of your home experience.

Avoiding Cord Problems

Dangling cords are harder to manage, and are more likely to get tangled up with ease.

With a motorized blind, you’ll never worry about dangling and tangled cords.

The cords in motorized mechanisms are thread through meticulously, where no cords remain free-hanging.

Remote battery life is long, lasting you months of use. Through LA Blinds, you do not have to worry about constant replacements of motor and remote batteries.

Install Anywhere

We recommend motorized blinds any and everywhere.

Whether it be a commercial or residential environment, a remote control is always handy.

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